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Course Raters

Course Rating Volunteers serve the golfers of Florida by systematically rating the state’s 1,300 golf courses. Our volunteers follow strict World Handicap system guidelines for rating each course. A course must first be accurately measured, and then obstacles that affect playing difficulty are evaluated in accordance with established standards.

Typically, teams of 5-6 individuals spend over five hours making measurements and statistical calculations necessary to produce a course and slope rating.  Currently, the FSGA has over 150 volunteers in 16 section who perform approximately 100 course ratings a year.





So you think you want to become an FSGA Course Rating volunteer?

Becoming a course rating volunteer is more difficult than becoming a tournament volunteer. We have limited available openings on the course rating teams around the state and full-time residency is preferred since a majority of rating occur during the summer months.

"Course Raters", as they are called, perform the following functions:


    • Measure courses and all teeing grounds

    • Gather data for the rating (position of penalty area, depth and size of bunkers, width of fairways, severity of green slopes, green speed, forced carry's, etc.)

    • Assist their Course Rating Captain and Co-Captain with various of functions

    • Play the course to confirm data gathered on previous day



If you are interested in becoming a Course Rating volunteer please contact Tracy Dachisen at

Note* At this time, all course rating teams are full. Please feel free to email and we will put you on a prospect waitlist.

We hope to hear from you soon!