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Women's Net Best Ball Match Play - FAQs

How will strokes be allocated?

Strokes will be given based off of the lowest player’s handicap in each match. The player with the lowest handicap will be playing scratch and will not be receiving any strokes. The strokes that will be received by the other three players will be based off of this low handicap of the group.

For example: Sandy has the lowest handicap of the group. She will be playing scratch and the rest of the group will be playing off of her handicap.

Sandy – 8 handicap --> Sandy will receive 0 strokes
Betty – 10 handicap --> Betty will receive 2 strokes
Anne – 14 handicap --> Anne will receive 6 stroke
Patty – 19 handicap --> Patty will receive 11 strokes

But we are playing 9-hole matches and the above handicaps are for 18 holes?

Your allotted strokes, after adjusted to the lowest player’s handicap in each match, are dispersed over 18 holes. Your handicap dots will fall on the card as they would over the course of all 18 holes. Therefore, those with odd handicaps (like Patty in the above example) would receive the extra stroke on the front nine based on the fact that the front nine holes of Mission Valley are the odd numbered handicap holes and the back nine are all of the even handicap holes.

What if we tie a hole?

For each hole that your team wins, you are awarded 1 point. In the case of a tie, each team will be awarded ½ point.

What if we tie the overall match?

The overall match is also worth an additional 1 point.  In the case of a tie in the match, each team is awarded ½ point. Note: There is a total of a possible 10 points that your team can win (9 points totaled from each hole and 1 point for the overall match).

What if there is a tie within my flight?

In case of a tie for any flight winner, the Committee will revert back to the original “head-to-head” match results between the two teams that are tied. The winner of that individual match will be the overall flight winner. In the case that the two teams are still tied after this procedure, the Committee will revert to the next highest seeded team in the flight and compare how each team competed against that team; the highest point total for this individual match is the winner.