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Hammock Bay G & CC


Player City, State Entry Status
Andrews, Glyn Sarasota, FL Entered
Andrews, Karen Sarasota, FL Entered
Azan, Charles Clewiston, FL Entered
Bacelli, Carl Lakewood Ranch, FL Withdrawn
Barnes, John Pembroke Pines, FL Entered
Becker, Ginny Naples, FL Entered
Bennett, James Pembroke Pines, FL Entered
Brinkman, Dave Davie, FL Withdrawn
Brinkman, Larry Cooper City, FL Withdrawn
Busch, Kurt Marco Island, FL Entered
Cerrone, Deborah Fort Lauderdale, FL Entered
Claxon, Mark Pembroke Pines, FL Entered
Connors, William Naples, FL Entered
Copeland, Archie Fort Myers, FL Entered
Cornett, Bill Naples, FL Entered
Darr, Sandra Plantation, FL Entered
Dein, Jason Fort Myers , FL Entered
Donnelly, Bernie Bradenton, FL Entered
Duffy, Jeannie Plantation, FL Entered
Dupont, Chris Miami, FL Entered
Duquette, Mark Fort Myers , FL Entered
Fellers, Michael Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Forsberg, Jeanne Plantation, FL Entered
Galiette, Joseph Pompano Beach, FL Entered
Galiette, Peter Ft. Lauderdale, FL Entered
Glenn, Richard North Fort Myers, FL Entered
Godwin, Robert deland, FL Entered
Hedl, Douglas Naples, FL Withdrawn
Hoekstra, Jake Lehigh Acres, FL Entered
Johnson, David Naples, FL Entered
Jones, Kevin Naples, FL Entered
Lonergan, Pat Fort Myers, FL Entered
Louiselle, Keith Estero, FL Entered
Lowrey, Nancy Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Marcet, Rick Weston, FL Entered
Means, James Bonita Springs, FL Withdrawn
Murray, Dale North Fort Myers, FL Entered
Napoli, John Tamarac, FL Entered
OBrien, Helen Naples, FL Entered
Olson, Dwight Naples, FL Entered
Palumbo, Mia Fort Myers, FL Entered
Paunovich, Thomas Lake Worth, FL Withdrawn
Primavera, Michael Naples, FL Entered
Reynolds, Sara Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Roseth, Paul Flagler Beach, FL Entered
Ross, Regene Naples, FL Entered
Schnitter, Rory Naples, FL Entered
Shearer, David Palm Beach, FL Entered
Smith, Ray Naples, FL Entered
Stanley, Robert Naples, FL Entered
Strickland, Bruce Lighthouse Point, FL Entered
Szustak, William Naples, FL Entered
Valentino, Albano Orlando, FL Entered
Woodward, Tim Basye, VA Entered

Key to Entry Status


Entry received, awaiting processing


Entry Accepted


Player has qualified for the event



Withdrawal Pending:

Awaiting processing


Player who is exempt and filed an entry


Player who has withdrawn prior to start of the event