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Worthington Country Club


Player City, State Entry Status
Belau, Josh , FL Entered
Bradley, Nancy Naples, FL Entered
Connors, Rosemarie Naples, FL Entered
Connors, William Naples, FL Entered
Doolan, Brian Naples, FL Entered
Edwards, John Miromar Lakes, FL Entered
Johnson, David Naples, FL Entered
Jones, Kevin Naples, FL Entered
Murray, Dale North Fort Myers, FL Entered
Nary, Jackie Bonita Springs , FL Entered
Phagan, Rebecca Alva, FL Entered
Phagan, T.J. Alva, FL Entered
Rees, Liz Naples, FL Entered
Roseth, Paul Flagler Beach, FL Entered
Ross, Regene Naples, FL Entered
Tolentino, Jonathan Naples, FL Entered
Turnblad, Sharon Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Wahlstrom, David Naples, FL Entered
Watts, Kevin Fort Myers, FL Entered
Whalen, Stephen Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Woodward, Tim Basye, VA Entered
Wright, Catherine Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Zandlo, Jim Bonita Springs, FL Entered
Zandlo, Michael Bonita Springs , FL Entered
Ziegler, Jeffrey Estero, FL Alternate

Key to Entry Status


Entry received, awaiting processing


Entry Accepted


Player has qualified for the event



Withdrawal Pending:

Awaiting processing


Player who is exempt and filed an entry


Player who has withdrawn prior to start of the event