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Amateur Championship

Amateur Championship - Directions


Directions to Pine Tree Golf Club

10600 Pine Tree Terrace, Boynton Beach, FL  33436  (561) 734-6050


From the Turnpike: Exit at Boynton Beach Blvd (exit 86). Drive east until you reach Military Trail. Turn right on Military Trail and drive south for about three-quarter miles. Turn left on Pine Tree Drive (gate access required). Turn left on Pinetree Terrrace.


From I-95 traveling North: Exit at exit 56 (Woolbright Road). Turn left and drive west until you reach Military Trail.  Turn right on Military Trail and drive north for about one quarter mile. Turn right on Pine Tree Drive (gate access required). Turn left on Pinetree Terrrace.


From I-95 traveling South: Exit at exit 57 (Boynton Beach Blvd). Turn right and drive west until you reach Military Trail. Turn left on Military Trail and drive south for about three-quarter mile. Turn left on Pine Tree Drive (gate access required). Turn left on Pinetree Terrrace.


From Hunter’s Run Golf & Racquet Club: Turn left on South Congress Avenue and travel north for 1.0 mile. Turn left on Woolbright Road and travel west for 2.0 miles. Turn right on Military Trail and travel north 1.0 mile. Turn right on Pine Tree Drive (gate access required). Turn left on Pinetree Terrrace.



Directions to Hunter’s Run

Golf & Racquet Club

3500 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, FL  33436  (561) 737-0410                   


From the Turnpike traveling South:  Exit at Boynton Beach Blvd (exit 86). Drive east until you reach Congress Avenue. Turn right on Congress Avenue and travel south 3.0 miles.


From the Turnpike traveling North:  Exit at Delray Beach-Atlantic Blvd (exit 81). Drive east until you reach Congress Avenue. Turn left on Congress Avenue, the entrance to the club is 1.5 miles on the left side of the road.


From I-95 traveling North: Exit at exit 52B (Atlantic Avenue West) and turn left onto Atlantic Avenue. Follow Atlantic Avenue .4 miles to Congress Avenue. Turn right on Congress Avenue, the entrance to the club is 1.5 miles on the left side of the road.


From I-95 traveling South: Exit at exit 56 (Woolbright Road). Turn left and drive west until you reach Congress Avenue. Turn left on Congress Avenue and drive south 1.0 mile. The entrance to the club is on the right side of the road.


From Pine Tree Golf Club: Turn left on Military Trail and travel south 1.0 mile. Turn left on Woolbright Road and travel east 2.0 miles. Turn right on South Congress Avenue and travel south 1.0 mile. Turn right on Summit Drive and travel west 0.4 miles. Turn left on Clubhouse Lane.


Directions to Holiday Inn

1601 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL  33436  (561) 737-4600


From I-95: Exit at Gateway Boulevard (exit 59). Proceed west to Congress Avenue. Turn left on Congress Avenue and travel south to first traffic light. Hotel is on the right.


From the Florida Turnpike: Exit at Boynton Beach Boulevard (exit 86). Drive east until you reach Congress Avenue. Turn left onto Congress Avenue and travel north 1.5 miles. Hotel is on the left.


Directions to Hampton Inn

1475 West Gateway Boulevard, Boynton Beach, FL  33426  (561) 369-0018


From I-95: Exit at Gateway Boulevard (Exit 59), proceed west one mile and the hotel is on the right.


From Florida Turnpike: Exit at Boynton Beach Boulevard (exit 86). Drive east five miles to Congress Avenue. Turn left onto Congress Avenue and travel two miles. Turn right onto Gateway Boulevard and the hotel is on your left.


Directions to Holiday Inn Express

8144 West Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL  33434  (561) 482-7070


From I-95: Exit at Glades Road (Exit 45), proceed west 3.5 miles and the hotel is on the left.


From Florida Turnpike: Exit at Glades Road (exit 75). Drive one block west.