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Removal of Loose Impediments

15.1a - Removal of Loose Impediments

Without penalty, a player may remove a loose impediment ANYWHERE on or off the course. 

What You Need to Know

  1. Removal of loose impediments anywhere on the course includes in both a penalty area and in bunkers

  2. A player may use a hand or foot, or a club or other equipment to remove loose impediments
    • Be careful - If the player causes their ball to move when removing a loose impediment they incur a one stroke penalty and the ball must be replaced

  3. EXCEPTION 1 - Removing a loose impediment  where a ball must be replaced before replacing the ball that was lifted or moved
    • A player must not deliberately remove a loose impediment that if moved when the ball was at rest, would have likely caused the ball to move
    • If they player does so, they incur a one stroke penalty, but the removed loose impediment does not need to be replaced

  4. EXCEPTION 2 - A player must not deliberately remove a loose impediment to affect a ball in motion (see Rule 11.3). The player would incur the general penalty.