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Unplayable Ball in a Bunker

19.3 - Relief Options for Unplayable Ball in Bunker

19.3a - Normal Relief Options (One Penalty Stroke)

For a penalty of one stroke, a player may take relief for an unplayable ball in a bunker. The player is allowed three (3) relief options under this Rule
  1. Stroke & Distance - The player always has the option to go back to where they last played from. (Yes, this option allows you to come out of the bunker!)

  2. Back-on-the-Line INSIDE the Bunker - Keeping the point where the original ball lies, in line with the flagstick, the player may go back as far as they like while staying in the bunker, and drop the ball within one club-length of their chosen reference point.
    • The ball must be dropped and come to rest within the one club-length relief area and no closer to the hole than the reference point. 

  3. Lateral Relief - Using the point where the original ball lies, the player may take two club-lengths in any direction no closer to the hole and drop the ball. 
    • The ball must be dropped and come to rest within the two club-length relief area inside the bunker

19.3b - Extra Relief Option (Two Penalty Stroke)

New for 2019 - When a player deems their ball unplayable in a bunker they now have an additional relief option for a total of two penalty strokes

  1. Back-on-the-Line OUTSIDE the Bunker - Keeping the spot where the original ball lies unplayable in the bunker in line with the flagstick, the player may go as far back as they want OUTSIDE the bunker and drop within the one club-length relief area, and no closer to the hole than the reference point.