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Amelia National


Player City, State Entry Status
Alba, Jerome Ponte Vedra, FL Entered
Atherton, Jared Saint Augustine, FL Entered
Black, Larry Sorrento, FL Entered
Brice, Brant Jacksonville, FL Entered
Caldabaugh, K C Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Entered
Caldabaugh, Tama Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Withdrawn
Clift, Steve Jacksonville, FL Entered
Combs, David Harmony, FL Entered
Cramton, Fred Jacksonville, FL Entered
Deiboldt, Gregg Jacksonville, FL Entered
Duncan, Monty Saint Augustine, FL Entered
Everitt, Jack Gainesville, FL Entered
Fitzsimmons, Frank Stuart, FL Entered
Gaston, John Ponte Vedra, FL Entered
Geiger, Peter Fernandina Beach, FL Entered
Hawkins, David Jacksonville, FL Entered
Heinemann, Jack Green Cove Springs, FL Withdrawn
Hennessy, Donald Port Orange, FL Entered
Hollingsworth, David Jacksonville, FL Entered
Huston, John The Villages, FL Entered
Iodice, Richard Saint Augustine, FL Entered
Johnson, D J Jacksonville, FL Entered
Lampitoc, Richard The Villages, FL Entered
Lavoie, William Fernandina Beach, FL Entered
Loftin, Curtis Jacksonville, FL Entered
Luyster, Tom Jacksonville, FL Entered
McCloskey, Hugh Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Entered
Medure, David Ponte Vedra, FL Entered
Moskovciak, Bruce Jacksonville, FL Entered
Nagy, Keith Jacksonville, FL Entered
Odden, Randy St. Cloud, FL Entered
Phillips, James Saint Johns, FL Entered
Pittman, Buck Jacksonville, FL Entered
Polhemus, Brad Jacksomville, FL Entered
Potochnak, Michael Fernandina Beach, FL Entered
Reynolds, Daniel Jacksonville, FL Entered
Rhodes, Edd Orange Park, FL Entered
Sarroca, Ariel Jacksonville, FL Entered
Sunley, Rich Gainesville, FL Entered
Tatom, Michael Jacksonville, FL Entered
Walton, Eric Jacksonville, FL Entered
Waters, Charlie Jacksonville, FL Entered
Wildner, Robert Green Cove Springs, FL Entered
Wilkins, Duane Orange Park, FL Entered
Wilkins, Lisa Orange Park, FL Entered
Willoughby, Jeff Saint Augustine, FL Entered
Worley, Paul Amelia Island, FL Entered

Key to Entry Status


Entry received, awaiting processing


Entry Accepted


Player has qualified for the event



Withdrawal Pending:

Awaiting processing


Player who is exempt and filed an entry


Player who has withdrawn prior to start of the event